A six panel collage of Eclipse EC (ESD) rubber flooring installations in various applications include an MRI suite, a laboratory, a factory and a police dispatch room.

StaticWorx Eclipse Electrically Conductive EC Rubber

RI 2.0 Dry Adhesive: New glue-free adhesives. Install 24/7 with minimal downtime, no VOCs, no messy adhesives: Learn More

StaticWorx launched EclipseEC (Electrically Conductive) rubber in 2010 – the industry’s only fault-tolerant, low-charging ESD floor. EclipseEC won the prestigious Seal of Approval from the ESD Journal as the only product suitable for Class-0 ESD (electrostatic discharge) applications. Independent laboratory tests have also shown EC rubber to be the only product that inhibits static generation regardless of footwear. And it was voted a top, money-saving product by Buildings Magazine.

EclipseEC Rubber – our flagship, award-winning line of rubber flooring – is often the preferred choice of architects, contractors and facility managers for cleanrooms, labs, and electronics manufacturing and handling facilities, as well as 24/7 operations such as server rooms, hospitals, data and critical call centers, schools, and more.

EclipseEC is available as sheets as well as tiles. It can cover an entire room or be installed strategically as a floor mat, runner, or small island.

EclipseEC electrically conductive rubber is carbon neutral through the lifecycle of the material.

Zero red-listed items (per LBC)

How EclipseEC Rubber Works

EclipseEC rubber is produced by mixing carbon chips and other colored chips into the rubber material. Carbon is an inherently conductive or dissipative element. Randomly placed carbon chips enable static electricity to flow through the rubber to ground.

The black carbon chips in static-control rubber attract and route static electric charges. These pathways drain the charge through the tile, into conductive adhesive, which transport charges to an earth ground.

EclipseEC Rubber is PVC Free

Eclipse Rubber has been recognized as an environmentally friendly, green product that has earned GREENGUARD Certification for indoor air quality.

What makes Eclipse Rubber good for the environment?

No plasticizers
No urethane
No phthalates
No halogens
No chemicals or waxes needed for cleaning
GREENGUARD gold certified

Minimal Outgassing

Electrically conductive (EC) rubber flooring performs well in elevated temperature out-gassing tests because rubber is made without plasticizers.

CVCM stands for collected volatile condensable material – the quantity of outgassed matter from a test specimen that condenses on a collector maintained at a specific constant temperature for a specified time. CVCM is expressed as a percentage of the initial specimen mass and is calculated from the condensate mass determined from the difference in mass of the collector plate before and after.

Imaging room
Chart labelled ‘Outgassing comparison according to ASTM-E-595 (CVCN)*” The chart shows levels of CVCM measured with different types of flooring, ranging from 0.58 (StaticWorx Eclipse Rubber), to 1.66 (Conductive Vinyl A), 2.282 (Conductive Vinyl B), 2.5 (Conductive Vinyl C), 3.2 (Conductive Vinyl D) and finally to 3.507 (Conductive Vinyl E). Test underneath reads: “* Tests performed by an independent testing company.” And below that: “Definition of CVCM: Collected volatile condensable material—the quantity of outgassed matter from a test specimen that condenses on a collector maintained at a specific constant temperature for a specified time. CVCM is expressed as a percentage of the initial specimen mass and is calculated from the condensate mass determined from the difference in mass of the collector plate before and after test.”

EclipseEC Rubber is Easy to Maintain

Why does dirt collect, and what makes rubber different from PVC and other plastic flooring? Plastic flooring contains plasticizers, which are used to make plastic flexible. As plastic ages, plasticizers migrate out of the flooring, making it brittle and porous.

If this sounds unfamiliar, think about the smell of a new car. That smell is the odor of plasticizers. An old car doesn’t smell like a new car because the plasticizers in the seats, doors, and dashboard have all migrated into the air, and left behind a plastic surface that needs to be cleaned and waxed with products like Armor All®.


Unlike some floors that require regular stripping, waxing or polishes, EclipseEC rubber rubber requires only washing with soap and water.


EclipseEC rubber meets ADA compliance for slip resistance and have sound-dampening and anti-fatigue properties.

Musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of workplace injuries. An independent test done by a Senior Clinical Research Consultant for measuring psi (pounds per square inch) on the metatarsus (between the ankle and toes on the foot) showed that the peak pressure on rubber was 2.8 kg/cm2 – better than the result on carpet for 3.5 kg/cm2.

This research furthered the Ground Reaction Force (GRF) research done by Dr. Redfern with The University of Pittsburgh Bioengineering Department. In Redfern’s research, several types of floor covering were tested for 50 cycles and the average GRF measured at the foot was calculated for each.

  • Average GRF is calculated over one entire cycle of walking, from the time the heel first hits the floor to the foot lifting from the floor.
Completed installation of Eclipse electrically conductive (EC) rubber in a manufacturing facility

The force of a 216 lb. person’s foot impacting the floor is always greater than the 216 lb. weight of the person due to the acceleration of the foot during walking. Redfern found that the impact of a 216 lb. person on 2.5 mm linoleum was 240.99 pounds. The calculated impact on 2mm rubber would be only 166.52 pounds – which supports musculoskeletal health.

Superior Static-control Performance

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) affects two different environments:

Type 1 – Electronics manufacturing and component handling
Static generation must be < 100 volts
Used with ESD-protective footwear, EC rubber generates < 10 volts.

Type 2 – End-user spaces such as call centers, control rooms, data centers, server rooms, banking, and government offices (among others).
In these spaces, static generation must be < 400 volts.
EC rubber generates < 400 volts on regular (non ESD footwear).

EclipseEC Rubber - Intrinsically Antistatic

In any worksite that manufactures, handles or uses sensitive electronic equipment, static discharge presents a risk to equipment and/or operations. While ESD flooring is designed to prevent static generation, ESD PVC vinyl and epoxy coatings do not work without the use of special static-protective footwear. In facilities where workers don’t wear ESD-protective footwear, PVC ESD flooring can actually generate static electricity.

Fault-tolerant, EclipseEC rubber is intrinsically anti-static. This means, the floor will inhibit static on persons wearing ordinary footwear. In spaces such as call centers, PSAPs, flight towers, banks and other end user spaces where ESD-protective footwear is not used, StaticWorx Eclipse rubber will generate under 400 volts of static electricity -well under the voltage that can damage or destroy electronic components.

With static-control footwear – e.g. in an electronics manufacturing or SMT facility – charge generation is under 10 volts, according to ESD STM 97.2 (tested with conductive shoes).

StaticWorx EclipseEC Rubber Is Fault Tolerant

If you work in a critical call center, PSAP, telecom facility, flight tower, or bank* can you reasonably expect employees to wear ESD footwear or heel or toe straps?

If the answer is no, it’s wise to select a floor that inhibits static generation without the use of ESD-protective footwear.

With fault tolerant flooring:

  • People can wear the wrong shoes but still be protected.
  • Waxes, polishes, and sprays need not be applied.
  • Humidity, temperature, and traffic, which can affect static generation on some floors, are not part of the equation.

Which is worn in your facility?

* Other end-user environments include government offices, media control rooms, server rooms, data centers, etc.

Criteria for Selecting Fault-tolerant ESD Flooring

Footwear: Will the shoes worn in the environment be standard street shoes (insulative) or specialty footwear (conductive)?

Volts (kV): What is the allowable amount of human body charge?

Static decay: On contact with floor, how quickly does the charge leave the body?

OHMs: What is the floor’s measurable ability to conduct electricity?

Eclipse EC Rubber and ESD Standards

EclipseEC electrically conductive rubber meet all the critical domestic and international industry standards, including:

  • NFPA 99 (healthcare)
  • ANSI/ESD S20/20, ANSI/ESD S97.1 (system resistance)
  • IEC
  • Conductive per ANSI/ESD STM 7.1
  • ANSI/ESD 97.2 (body voltage generation)
  • DOD 4145.26-M (munitions handling)
  • MILSTD 1686
  • NASA-grade, clean-room requirements
Eclipse EC (electrically conductive) rubber flooring installed in a laboratory

EclipseEC Rubber is Class-0 Certified

Our electrically condcutive rubber is Class-0 ESD-certified, ensuring maximum protection for your worksite.

EclipseEC Rubber has a Lifetime Warranty on Conductivity

The static-control performance of StaticWorx electrically conductive rubber is not only guaranteed – it’s warrantied for the life of your floor.

Key Benefits

A circular ESD safe symbol for a protected area in yellow with the ESD symbol in the center in black and the text "ESD Safe". In the top left corner of the circle is the text "ANSI/ESD S20.20" and in the right is the txt "Protected Area"

Superior Static Control

  • ANSI/ESD S20.20
    • Conductive < 1.0 x 10E6
    • Static generation < 20 volts w/ESD footwear
  • S97.2 (low static generating)
  • Class-0 Electronics
  • DOD 4145.26-M
  • NASA-grade clean-room requirements
  • NFPA Healthcare


  • PVC Free
  • No plasticizers
  • No Phthalates
  • No halogens
  • No chemicals or waxes for cleaning
  • Minimal outgassing

Fault Tolerant

  • Intrinsically antistatic
  • Low static generating
  • No special ESD footwear requirement
  • No waxes, polishes or sprays
  • Independent of humidity, temperature, traffic

Low Total Cost of Ownership

  • Easy/Inexpensive to Maintain
  • Hides wear and tear—the main cause of carpet tile replacement.
    • No stripping, waxing or polishes
    • Requires only soap and water
    • Tight surface doesn’t collect dirt
  • Durable


  • Excellent slip resistance
  • Sound dampening
  • Anti-fatigue

Award Winning

  • Award Winning
  • Class-0 Certified
  • MIT Lincoln Labs Study (inhibits static regardless of footwear)
  • Buildings Magazine – top money saving product


Two people putting on botties in a cleanroom gown room. The flooring installation is ESD rubber flooring

RI 2.0 Dry Adhesive - StaticWorx RapidInstall System

Used with EclipseEC rubber, RI 2.0 dry conductive adhesive tape is an ideal adhesive for ESD flooring installations in labs and cleanrooms. Eclipse tiles and roll goods work as both a floor and cove base. Seams can be welded for a seamless installation, creating a dirt and particle-free lab/cleanroom environment. Because there are no wet or messy adhesives to deal with, RI 2.0 conductive adhesive can be installed 24/7 with minimal downtime. And the new floor can be used or walked on immediately after installation, minimizing costly production losses. 


Cropped photo showing Eclipse EC (ESD) rubber flooring being laid over DryFix dry adhesive

EclipseGF – Glue Free – Conductive Rubber

Having witnessed many problems with high-vapor concrete and to address fast-track construction, we launched EclipseGF (Glue-Free). EclipseGF provides the same benefits of EclipseEC with the added advantages of being glue-free and moisture-resistant.

With EclipseGF, there is no need for pre-installation testing of subfloors for vapor, nor buckets of glue, troweling, or clean-up – allowing for easy installation with no down-time. Self-sticking EclipseGF can be applied directly over most surfaces, including wood, steel, concrete, and epoxy. Simply trim, peel the protective adhesive, roll on – done.

EclipseGF is available only as sheet rolls. It can cover an entire room or be installed strategically as a floor mat, runner, or small island.

Which EC Rubber is right for you?

At StaticWorx, we can help you decide which version of Eclipse Rubber is best for your application. In Figure1, we outline the common attributes of EC and GF as well as a couple of differences.

Comparison Between EclipseEC and EclipseGF

EclipseEC EclipseGF
Environmentally friendly
Has antistatic attributes
Can be installed seamless
Meets ANSI/ESD S20.20
Meets BS EN 61340-5-1
Can be seam-welded
Can be installed over raised access floor panels
Completed installation of electrically conductive (ESD) rubber flooring in a laboratory
An ESD flooring installation - made up of Eclipse EC (electrically conductive) rubber and ShadowFX static-dissipative (ESD) carpet tile in a 9-1-1 dispatch center.
9-1-1 Call Center

Colors and Specifications

Construction: Two-layer, vulcanized conductive rubber with high-quality, natural and industrial rubber components.

Thickness: 2 mm
Size: 24″ x 24″ tile and 4′ x 40′ rolls 

(Special order with large minimums)
Specifications StaticWorx EC Rubber
Two-layer, vulcanized conductive rubber with high quality natural and industrial rubber components.
Total Weight:
24″ x 24″ tile and 4′ x 40′ rolls
Static Generation Comparison
< 10 V per STM97.2 with ESD Footwear.
< 400 V per STM97.2 with standard street shoes.
Abrasion Resistance:
(ASTM D 3389 H-18 wheel, 500gm load)
Taber abrasion test, ASTM D 3389, H-18 wheel, 500 gram load, 1000 cycles, gram weight loss not greater than 0.70
System Resistance:
< 1.0 x 10E6
Carbon Neutrality
EclipseEC is carbon neutral through the lifecycle of the material.

For information on cold welding rods, please call 617-923-2000 or email [email protected].

Eclipse Rubber with ESD Bolt Lab Chair Test Results

“Voltage with Person” Standing from StaticWorx Bolt ESD Chair & Walking

FloorStanding from Chair (Max Absolute Voltages)Walking on Floor (Max Absolute Voltages)
Std. Dev26

StaticWorx has the only Class 0 certified ESD Floor

StaticWorx EC rubber chosen by Buildings.com Magazine as a Top Money-Saving Product

EC Rubber is the recipient of the prestigious ESD Journal Seal of Approval and it’s Indoor Air Quality Certified

EC Rubber Tile
is Phthalate Free and PVC Free

Information and Downloads

Staticworx ESD rubber products are warranted for a period of one (1) year from date of installation to be free of defects in material and workmanship, if installed, maintained, and used strictly in accordance with Staticworx written instructions. 

Download the full warranty for StaticWorx Rubber Products

EC ESD Rubber Tile/Roll Sustainable, Green Technology

  • May qualify for LEED credits including:
    • LEED MR Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials
    • LEED MR Credits 4.1 and 4.2: Recycled Content
    • LEED MR Credits 1.1 and 1.2: Building Reuse
  • 10% post industrial waste
  • Contains no PVCs or halogens
  • Phthalate-free
  • Flooring and Adhesive: Low VOCs / off gassing of benign emissions
  • Stainblock ™ surface eliminates the use of wasteful and environmentally unfriendly floor waxes, finishes, polishes and strippers.
  • Contains 5% renewable natural rubber
  • Recyclable Packaging
  • Eco-friendly manufacturing methods
  • Durable, long-lasting
  • Low maintenance: damp mop only
  • Free of solvents
  • Product can be 100% reused: when installed using Staticworx dry adhesive with Planus Primer, rubber tiles can be removed and reused
  • PVC free

Further Reading

Most static control specifications over-emphasize whether a floor is “conductive” or “static dissipative.” Since ANSI/ESD S20.20, that sort of calculus is no longer relevant.

Standards for ESD floors in electronics manufacturing and handling services (EMS) are stringent. Learn how to choose the best ESD floor for your space.

In this hub, you’ll find all the info you need to specify and select the right ESD floor. Download our FREE comprehensive Guide to ESD Flooring Selection!

In this hub, focused specifically on installation and maintenance, you’ll find accurate information on grounding, installing, and maintaining ESD flooring.

Other Rubber Flooring Products

Architectural SD Rubber

Designed for world class environments, StaticWorx SD is an attractive hammered rubber product, available in four colors that would please the most discerning architect or designer.


Tough, yet visually appealing, StaticWorx SD Rubber flooring is perfect for hospitals, recovery rooms, universities, schools, emergency response centers, labs, conference rooms and anywhere comfort, performance and durability are needed. Static generation is less than 100 volts according to ESD STM 97.2 (tested with conductive shoes).


StatLock Interlocking Rubber

Our StatLock interlocking SD rubber tiles, made from 100% recycled and up to 91% post-consumer rubber, are our greenest ESD floor tile to date. Durable enough for heavy-duty environments, StatLock interlocking rubber, with inherent static-control characteristics, is an excellent choice for temporary or transitional spaces. No need to rely on your landlord to take care of your ESD flooring needs. Simply carry the static-dissipative tiles to your location, zip together quickly and efficiently, then unlock and carry out when you’re finished. Best of all StatLock interlocking ESD rubber provides long wear and exceptional value for people searching for a low cost, high performance static-safe floor.

AisleSafe Runners

AisleSafe is the only floor runner and matting on the market that has received The ESD Journal Seal of approval for static-control walking surfaces suitable for class-0 device handling. Attractive and durable, this ESD-safe runner is ideal as a static-free bridge between EPAs ( ESD-protected – or safe – areas.) It can be used as runner, floor mat, or even as permanent flooring material.


Get in Touch

The form below will help us better understand your needs and get you as quickly as possible to the right person. We look forward to helping you solve your static problem! 

You can expect a response within 24 hours. For faster service, please give us a call: 617-923-2000

Visit our privacy policy to find out how we process data.

Background graphic is a still from the StaticWorx GroundSafe ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner explainer animation. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo and "GroundSafe ESD Flooring" underneath in white. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “GroundWorx ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner”

StaticWorx high-performance static-control floors protect electronic components, explosives, and high-speed computers from damage caused by static electricity. ESD flooring is part of a system. Choices should always be based on objective, researched evidence. When you partner with us, we look at all possible items that may need to integrate with the floor, and, focusing on your goals and objectives, help you find the right floor for your application.

Get in Touch

East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

Unless otherwise stated, standards referenced are the most up-to-date versions.

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

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“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

Unless otherwise stated, standards referenced are the most up-to-date versions.

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East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

Unless otherwise stated, standards referenced are the most up-to-date versions.

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